Partner with Selina on your Journey to Self, Health and Inspired Leadership

systems change


therapy & coaching

What if emotions were the gateway to knowing your true self and infinite potential?

What if paradigm-shifting breakthroughs, clarity and healing were available to you right Now?

Who would you be? What would you do? How would you lead?

I have always loved working at the cutting edge of social impact and purposeful business, exploring the most effective approaches with like-minded leaders.

In your personalised track of mind-body therapy and coaching sessions, we work together with emotions as powerful gateways to re-connect to your true, healthy and thriving self. You are naturally able to access the root causes of any symptomatic struggles, and to transform and transmute old conditioning in powerful ways.

with Selina

The systemic approach will leave you feeling free, deeply connected and ready to step into inspired living and leading with clarity and ease of being.

Impact-orientated leaders understand that emergent, systemic and transformational approaches are needed to effectively move through multi-faceted challenges. We recognise that real systems change towards healthy, thriving societies requires fundamental shifts in perception and connection on the inside as well as the outside.

Life continues to show me that feeling deeply connected to who you really are - to this expanded sense of self, to your version of this love, effortless presence, peace, and true happiness - creates healing and powerful transformation all around. I look forward to connecting with you and seeing the ripples of positive change you create.

“Working with Selina has been a life changing experience. She is an incredibly gifted coach and will meet you exactly where you are and guide you with kindness, expertise and an intuitive grasp of what to do, to exactly where you need to go. I had reached a point where certain limiting beliefs, anxieties and unhelpful thought patterns had become particularly acute and deciding to tackle these with Selina has been a key turning point. I can’t recommend this highly enough to anyone who wants to live a happier, more aware and freer life and who hopes to increase their focus and performance.”

— Anna Hoffmann, Barrister, Client 2022